
Discussion will be moderated by the Honorable Gassia Apkarian, Judge of the Superior Court of California, who will be joined by International Law Professor Dr. Christopher Waters and Jurist, International Negotiation Expert Dr. Sarah Babaian.
The Center for Truth and Justice (CFTJ) invites interested researchers and legal practitioners to send abstracts relating to the list of topics below. Our focus is on the path forward for Nagorno-Karabakh, but a comparative or broader focus on human rights and legal accountability would be welcome. Abstracts should be in English and no more...
Our very own Judge Gassia Apkarian sat down with writer and publicist Vahan Zanoyan for a conversation about the work the Center for Truth and Justice (“CFTJ”) doing. Judge Apkarian also discusses her Armenian roots, her time in #Armenia in the 1990s, and what can be done to hold Azerbaijan accountable for war crimes.
On October 11, 2022, the Center for Truth and Justice (CFTJ) submitted a report to the United Nations about Azerbaijan’s use of terrorist mercenaries in the 2020 war in Nagorno-Karabakh. The report urged the UN Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries to investigate Azerbaijan’s use of mercenaries during the Working Group’s upcoming visit to...
Talin Hatik
ANN ARBOR, MI — Since the autumn of 2020, the effects of the 44-Day War and its aftermath have reverberated throughout the Armenian world. While locals in Armenia were concerned with the direct threat of Azerbaijani aggression, Diasporan Armenians wondered what they could do to help. A non-profit organization, the Center for Truth and Justice...
CFTJ demands civilians to be protected from human rights abuses. CFTJ calls on CSTO, UN, and OSCE Minsk Group to take action in condemning the violation of international laws, the trilateral statement of November 9, 2020, and the December 7, 2021 ICJ Order.
The office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has accepted an Armenian repatriated POW’s complaint to the UN Committee Against Torture (UNCAT). Azerbaijan will be required to respond to the complaint. Additional torture complaints will be submitted to the UNCAT using CFTJ’s evidence collected via witness testimony.
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