Azerbaijan’s Denial of Existing POWs: The Case of Alexander Yeghiazaryan

I. Introduction

During the 44-day war in 2020, Azerbaijani forces captured over 300 Armenian soldiers. Despite ongoing peace talks since the war’s end, Azerbaijan continues to deny the existence of eighty Armenian prisoners of war (POWs), while officially acknowledging the imprisonment of only twenty-three political prisoners and hostages. This report focuses on one of the eighty Armenian POWs who remain detained in Baku’s prisons without due process, Alexander Vachik Yeghiazaryan. The report describes his capture and continuous efforts by his family to confirm his whereabouts. It also outlines the legal framework relevant to this case. Azerbaijani authorities deny Alexander’s status as a prisoner of war and he is officially missing in action (MIA), despite clear evidence detailed below.

II. Background Information

1. Personal Details:

  • Name: Alexander Vachik Yeghiazaryan
  • Date of Birth: 12 September, 1986
  • Last Contact: October 20, 2020

2. Military Service:

  • Alexander completed his 2-year mandatory military service in 2006. Armenia conscripted him as a reserve serviceman on September 30, 2020. He served in various military units until his last known contact.

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